Old school Easter eggs.

RGUKT IIIT ADMISSIONS 2012 Information Powered by www.apteachers.in

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT for IIIT) invites applications from eligible candidates for admission into the first year of its six year integrated programme 2012, leading to B.Tech. degree, at it's three RGUKT (IIITs) located at Basar, Nuzivid and R.K.  Valley. This year's total intake into the first year is 3,000. 
The annual highly subsidized fee for each of the first two years for AP students is Rs.36,000/-.
Eligibility for Admission:
  •  Regular Students who passed SSC or Equivalent examination(10th) conducted in 2012
  • Age nor more than 18years as on 31.12.2012 (21years in case of SC/ST Candidates)
  1. Online Application commences from : 11-06-2012, 8AM
  2. Last date for receiving online application by RGUKT : 30-06-2012, 8PM
  3. Last date for receipt of printed online applications : 04-07-2012, 8PM
  4. Counselling dates at RGUKT IIITs : 26th & 27th July 2012
RGUKT IIIT Admissions 2012 Notification (English)-CLICK      How to Apply- Click here    
RGUKT IIIT Admissions 2012 Notification (Telugu)-CLICKOnline Application through RGUKT IIIT Website                
Instructions to fill the application-CLICK HEREOnline Submission through APONLINE
Specimen CopyList of Certificates to be enclosed
RGUKT IIIT Important DatesAdmission Procedure
Applicants from Andhra PradeshSelection Method
Applicants from Outside Andhra Pradesh Counselling
For Official Website of RGUKT Click hereAdmission

Annexures to be enclosed

How To Apply:

The candidates should apply online either through RGUKT Website or APOnline services.

Online application through RGUKT Website:

  1. The 'online' application and other details are available at the website admissions2012.rgukt.in. The candidates are advised to read the guidelines given on each item in the application form while filling it.
  2. The registration fee for online submission of the application is Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred and fifty only) paid through a crossed DD preferably from State Bank of Hyderabad / Andhra Bank. If not possible, from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of 'The Registrar, RGUKT', and payable at Hyderabad.
  3. When a candidate clicks on Application for Andhra Pradesh Students a window will appear asking for details of school board, hall-ticket and date of birth. Fill the information correctly and click on 'submit'. Then, some details of the candidate, drawn from the database of the respective 'School Board', will appear on the screen. If the details are correct, click on 'YES' and proceed further to fill-in the application.
  4. In case, any of the details is incorrect, click 'NO'. Then, a pull-down window with different fields will appear. Click each one of them as 'correct' or 'incorrect', and then continue.
    Note: The candidates shall submit the documentary proof for the correct version while sending 'printout of the application' (after the online submission of application) to the RGUKT.
  5. You will get 'Guidelines to fill' for every item on the right side of the screen. Please take their help in filling the online application.
  6. Fill all the items in the application correctly (including the DD number) and click on 'submit'.
  7. Immediately after submitting the application online, take a printout, sign it and send it along with the original DD for Rs.150/- and copies of certificates (listed below) to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Vindya C-4, IIIT Campus, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad-500032, by Speed Post / Registered Post immediately so as to reach the hard copy of application before 04.07.2012Top

Online application through APOnline:

  1. The applicants can send their online applications by availing the services of any "A.P. Online Centre" by paying Rs. 150/-, (in cash), plus a service charge of Rs.15/- per application at the AP Online Centre. The centre will issue a receipt for the same.
  2. The applicant shall submit a print copy of the filled-in application, duly signed, along with copies of receipt issued by APOnline centre and certificates, to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Vindya C-4, IIIT Campus, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad-500032, by Speed Post / Registered Post immediately so as to reach the application before 4.7.2012.Top

RGUKT reserves right to disqualify the submission of Application for which printout is not received with enclosures in stipulated period.Top

List of Certificates to be enclosed:

Copies of the following certificates / documents should be sent along with the filled-in application form submitted through online:
  1. A crossed demand draft for Rs 150/- in the name of the Registrar, RGUKT, to be payable at Hyderabad (or) the receipt issued by the APOnline services
  2. Hall Ticket of X standard
  3. Study Certificates from Fourth class to Tenth class/ Residence certificate by those claiming Local category (in any of AU/OU/SVU areas), (for details, see Annexure - III)
  4. Residence certificate / service certificate of parents by those claiming Non-Local category (for details, see Annexure - IV)
  5. Marks List of 10th class Public Examination, i.e., SSC/CBSE/ICSE/NIOS.
  6. Proof of caste / community certificate (SC/ST/BC) in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under any of these categories, (for details, see Annexure - V)
  7. Physically Handicapped (PH) certificate in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VI)
  8. Children of Armed Forces (CAP) certificate in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VII)
  9. NCC certificate by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VIII)
  10. Sports certificate(s) at the level of inter-district and above by those claiming reservation under this category, (for details, see Annexure - VIII)Top

Admission Procedure

Admissions will be based on Grade Point Average(GPA) and the Grade obtained in each subject by an applicant. A deprivation score of 0.4 shall be added to the 10th class GPA of applicants from non-residential Government Schools including the Zillaparishad and Municipal Schools, with an objective of providing weightage to the socio economically challenged students for admission in the academic year 2012-13 as per the Govt. Lr. No.4655/EC.2/2012-02,, dated 08.06.2012.
The allotment of seats will be in accordance with the Provisions of AP Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974 (G.O. No.646, dated 10.7.1979, and herein called the Presidential Order, 1974, see Annexure - I), as per the judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of AP in WP 16657 of 2010, and pending the SLP in the Supreme Court of India.
1. Eligibility:
  1. Candidates should have passed SSC (10th class) or any other equivalent examination, recognized by the Government of A.P, conducted in 2012.
  2. Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31.12.2012, (21 years in case of students belonging to SC and ST categories)
  3. Candidate should have applied for admission in the prescribed form, and sent the print copy of the online application submitted along with all the certificates to the Registrar, RGUKT, before 4.7.2012.
  4. International students shall be of Indian Nationality / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card HoldersTop
2. Rules of Reservation:
  1. Admission to 85% of the total available seats shall be reserved for the 'local candidates' and the remaining 15% of the seats shall be un-reserved as specified in the Presidential Order, 1974 (see Annexure-1).
  2. As RGUKT is a state-wide institution, the seats reserved for the local candidates (85% of the total available) will be distributed among the three regions of the State namely, Andhra University, Osmania University and Sri Venkateswara University areas in the ratio of 42:36:22, respectively.
  3. The rules of reservation are followed for both local and open categories. The reservations are applicable at the region level in respect of local candidates.
  4. Reservations of seats for various categories are as follows subject to any changes and amendments made by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
    1. SC - 15%, ST - 6%, BC-A - 7%, BC-B - 10%, BC-C - 1%, BC-D - 7%, BC-E - 4% for both 'local' and 'unreserved' categories.
    2. Physically Handicapped (PH) - 3%, Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) - 2%, NCC - 1% and Sports - 0.5%. (These reservations are applicable at regional level except for CAP which is done at state-level).
    3. Certificates issued by the respective District Board alone are acceptable. Model proformas are given for all the above categories in Annexures. Since the courses offered are technical in nature and require appropriate physical fitness, RGUKT reserves the right of rejecting the application of such candidates who are not fit to pursue the course.
    4. A (horizontal) reservation of 33 1/3 % of seats in favor of women candidates in each category (OC/SC/ST/BC/Special Categories) shall be ensured, wherever women candidates are available.
    5. Top

Selection Method

  1. Admissions will be based on Grade Point Average(GPA) and Grade obtained in each subject by an applicant. A deprivation score of 0.4 shall be added to the 10th class GPA of applicants from non-residential Government Schools including the Zillaparishad and Municipal Schools, with an objective of providing weightage to the socio economically challenged students for admission in the academic year 2012-13 as per the Govt. Lr. No.4655/EC.2/2012-02,, dated 08.06.2012.
  2. n case of a tie, the candidate who got a higher grade in the following order of subjects (i) Mathematics (ii) General Science (iii) English (iv) Social Studies (v) 1st Language (vi) Oldest candidate as per the Date of Birth and (vii) the lowest random number obtained from the hall ticket number, will be considered. That is, if the tie is resolved with any of the check in the chronological order mentioned above, the next option(s) need not be checked.
  3. The procedure of resolving by random number is as follows:

    The candidate with the lowest random number will be considered for selection. The random number will be obtained as the reminder of {253 x [first 5 digits of the hall ticket number] divided by the last 5 digits of the hall ticket number}

    For example from the hall ticket no.1219121028, the first five digits viz., 12191 and the last five digits viz., 21028 will be considered for this purpose. The reminder is 14235.Top
Intimation to Selected Candidates
  1. The list of candidates selected for counselling will be displayed on the university website www.rgukt.in.
  2. The candidates will also be informed by post, e-mail and SMS message, wherever possible, to the address written in the application form. Top


  1. The candidates selected for counselling shall report in person at the RGUKT Campus allotted (Basar/Nuzvid/RKValley) for verification of original certificates / documents and the details provided in the application form.
  2. Counselling and selection for admission in respect of candidates belonging to the Special Categories like Physically Handicapped (PH), Children of Army Personnel (CAP), NCC and Sports will be conducted at RGUKT campus, at Hyderabad. Top


  1. Admission to the first year of 6-year integrated engineering course in the university will be granted only after satisfactory verification and scrutiny of the details mentioned in the application and the original certificates / documents submitted by the candidate at the counselling centre. Mere selection for counselling and verification of certificates / documents will not guarantee admission to the candidate.
  2. The allotment of the admitted candidates to the three constituent centres of the university will be on the basis of merit-cum-preference, the decision of the University shall be final in the matters of allotment.
  3. The candidate shall pay the fee prescribed for the first year of the 6-year integrated engineering course at the time of admission. Top
Admission of Students from other States and International Students
  1. In order to promote diversity, up to 5% of seats will be added to the existing seats (supernumerary) and will be open to students attending schools in other states, and to international students. Admission will be on the basis of their marks in 10th standard examination. Such candidates who got a minimum of 70% are eligible. The annual fee for students from other states is Rs.1,36,000/- and for International/NRI Students Rs.3.0 lakhs.
  2. Applicants from the States other than Andhra Pradesh and International/NRI applicants shall apply through RGUKT Website only. Top
  3. The application fees for out state candidate for the year 2012 is Rs150/-.
  4. The application fees for NRI candidates for the year 2012 is US $ : 25.00.

Important Dates to be Noted:

  1. Last date for receiving online application by RGUKT : 30 - 06 - 2012
  2. Last date for receipt of printed online application by RGUKT: 04 - 07 - 2012
  3. Display of Selection List for Counselling :13 - 07 - 2012
  4. Counselling dates at RGUKT IIITs : 26th & 27th July 2012
  5. Counselling dates for Special Categories* : 20th & 21st July 2012
  6. Starting of classes (for 2012 Batch): 30 -07 - 2012
  7.   Top
*Dates are subjected to change without much advance intimation.
Helpline Numbers & e-mail:
BSNL - 1100
Prof. B. Narayana - 08752 243344
Mr. G. R. K. Reddy - 08588 283641
Mr. B. Chenna Reddy - 08656 235132
e-mail: admissions2012@rgukt.in


  1. Annexure-I: Rules of Reservation for Admission
  2. Annexure-II: Study Certificate in support of LOCAL Status
  3. Annexure-III: Residence Certificate in support of LOCAL Status
  4. Annexure-IV: Certificates in support of NON-LOCAL Status
  5. Annexure-V: Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate
  6. Annexure-VI: Medical Certificate in respect of PHYSICALLY HANDICAPED Candidates
  7. Annexure-VII: For Candidate Claiming Reservation Under CAP Categroy
  8. Annexure-VIII: Priorities for NCC and Sports and Games